What is a Surge Protector, and do I really need One?
A Surge Detector is a small device that prevents powers surges by absorbing increased power rather then transferring it through your plugged-in items. Important items to consider having plugged into a surge protector are the following: Refrigerator/Freezers, TV’S, Washer and Dryers, Computers, Air Conditioners, or any other valuable appliances.
A good surge protector can sometimes last three to five years (depending on amount/strength of surges). However, a common rule is to replace them every two years. This is because most will continue “working” without providing protection and without your knowledge that your devices are at risk. If you are lucky, your protector will give you some sort of warning or will shut off when their protection drops below a safe level.
When purchasing a surge protector make sure you get one with enough spacing for big plugs. Power spikes can come through phone and cable lines. If you want to provide as much protection as possible, consider getting a surge protector that allows for phone and cable line connections.
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